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for Startups, Small to Medium-Sized Businesses, and Family Businesses


When venture capital investors perform their due diligence, they focus carefully on the financial side of the business. Are the product and business model unique? Is it a sizeable market? Is the playing field saturated or open? What are the growth plans of the company? It’s the role of VC investors to ensure that every financial detail is addressed.

We partner with founders to ensure every operational and market-related detail is attended to as well so you as the founder are getting the most out of your funding. For a startup to succeed, it’s not enough to have a unique business concept. Our role is to help you and your investors take that concept, structure and prepare it for the market and accelerated growth with our data-driven consulting, capability building, and connections.

We help you install best practices so that as you grow, you are prepared to compete with strategies and implementation plans for improving the skills of your workforce, reducing costs, improving quality, and finding efficiencies in product development and production. We help you establish best practices for increasing sales, developing new markets, and responding quickly to innovations in and outside of your industry.

Your business success is amplified with Morant McLeod as your core team, helping you focus your time and money wisely. Whether you’re a startup, a small- to medium-sized company with plans for expansion, or a family-operated business with opportunities and challenges unlike any other enterprise, our experience and connections will help you and your investors realize a greater likelihood of succeeding and sustaining that success.


Startups often generate their funding through angel investors, grants, family funding, or by bootstrapping their fledging company on their own. If you offering is a technological advancement, a new drug, or a new market-disruptive manufacturing process, your startup may receive venture capital funding. In that instance, you are expected to have a level of management support that will give your investors the confidence that they’re making a smart decision.

‘All the business acumen you need’ is how we define our role toward the success and growth of your startup. We bring you all the operational and go-to-market capacity you’ll require with the added benefit of not needing to hire management and potentially diluting your shares or reducing the ownership proportion of current shareholders.

Fast, nimble processes are what startup founders require and investors expect when things don’t go according to plan. Startups need strategies that are reasoned and adaptable, that providing various alternatives needed to meet market success, and that drive investor returns. Founders and company managers are often professionals such as medical doctors, engineers, and inventors whose product focus will absorb their time and attention before they realize that there’s a business problem.

We provide the management structure and data-driven knowledge offering you the insight and foresight you’ll need to help you pivot through these opportunity-filled times and adjust to market, channel, environmental, or competitor challenges.

As a startup, you’re metamorphosing from a minimally viable concept to a market-ready product, though a startup’s growth and development seldom follow a straight line. If the founders are a small band of doctors with a new drug, they are not going to negotiate or compromise the new medication or its parameters such as efficacy levels, market-ready dates, or applications. A successful product entry requires finding common ground between founder expertise and the business model and market strategy.

We bridge the chasm by bringing best practices to your business case and strategic plan. We constantly monitor your operations and marketplace to be aware of consumer and competitor movements in real time and make the necessary adjustments to ensure a successful market entry.


The nature of startups are to spawn and thrive in an existing or emerging market space. As you enter, you will want constant monitoring of your market—from consumer needs and trends, to competitive moves and weaknesses, to innovative entries so you can gain and maintain a competitive advantage. We call this area of our practice Real Time Benchmarking to support your business case, maximize your capital investment funding, and gain investor confidence.

Constant market intelligence is vitally important for startups and small businesses with plans for growth. We constantly monitoring your market environment, providing you a real-time map of your competitors, their product, channel, or business model weaknesses, and the space(s) in which you can gain and maintain a marketplace advantage.
Best practices and industry models are used to decide where to spend your valuable time, money, and operational capacity and on what to improve to meet investor milestones and market demands. The art is in moving the right levers at the appropriate times, whether it’s in finance, human resources, or operations in order to structure, stage, and sustain the growth of your startup.

Our innovative approach to business excellence could make the difference between lackluster investment support and maximized investor interest. We benchmark your startup and product entry against your industry standards and competitors as well as business models in other industries that may be beneficial to your startup.

As a skilled professional in your own field, you may not have the expertise to know or have the time to research what business approaches have been taken in the past that could either help you today or prevent an interruption in your company’s growth tomorrow. Our expertise is in staying abreast of what other competitors are doing, monitoring how the business market landscape may be changing, and mapping those real-time dynamics to create the most optimal position for your market entry.

We continuously monitor and manage the four different entities of your startup including the needs of the consumer base, the expectations of the investor, the wants of the management team, and the requirements of the company itself as an amalgamation of its market strategy and operations.

We prepare you to scale up and meet your investor’s milestones as metrics of your startup’s progress. It’s important for them to see that your targets are clearly established with achievable goals that are met, and at best, surpassed. We determine your gap to best practice and create a roadmap that sequences the steps to closing that gap and helps establish, monitor, and meet your milestones for growth.


Most any medium-sized business owner will tell you that in order to grow from small to medium, you have to move fast. Seeking perfection while your dramatically expanding is a waste of time and resources. When you’re in growth mode, you’re logically compelled to take shortcuts. You can’t afford the time to do things by the book. You need to ramp up quickly and get your product into the hands of customers. Your hope is that with all the decisions that you’re making, you’re making as many right ones as possible.

We partner with you to make these decisions, to help you to bounce things off and provide you guidance in how to move forward and upward without running into a wall or rushing into a mistake.

We prepare you for rapid growth with the structures and systems to meet your expansion needs. We design and staff your technical platforms and functional areas such as accounting, HR, sales, and marketing.

We build in efficiencies and help create processes once the dust has settled and you’re at a stage where you can fill in gaps and make corrections. We provide the documentation and design for proper workflows, deliver training, and put in place best practices in continuous process improvement to create and maintain a new level of business excellence.


We have spent decades working alongside family-operated businesses, a business structure that presents a set of special qualities and challenges unlike any other enterprise. Our years of experience have guided us to structured our practice around four areas in which families require the greatest amount of support.

Our advisory dynamics center on relationship management and providing an objective voice that understands the family; can help define the different roles each family member involved in the busines play; and is cognizant of the power dynamics among family members. We contribute by creating and an information-driven negotiation platform and path forward in the best interest of the family business.

We perform external studies to evaluate the family business through a data-focused lens and conduct one-on-one interviews to understand family business member’s involvement and dynamics. We essentially become a part of the family business and attend senior leadership team meetings to facilitate decision-making. Our functional interviews with your family members running the business will help create procedural maps for decision-making, balancing the best interests of the business with the best interests of the family and its business members.

Structuring Your Family as Board and facilitating your board meetings is our second area of support. Most often, the senior family leader who founded the business is chair of the board while the children or relatives run the operations. In our experience, this often has the potential to create family friction and disagreements regarding decision-making, which can weaken momentum or prevent the business from moving forward.

Our role is to act as intermediary by creating a board structure, establishing agendas, and facilitating board sessions. We provide every member a voice and a platform that recognizes their contribution and balance that against our charge to move the business forward.
We preside over board sessions to facilitate as well as help influence the direction and decisions for the business with an understanding of interrelation dynamics and each member’s personal expectations and needs. We also ensure that family culture, values, and traditions are maintained. Our aim is to keep forward momentum toward what you collectively hold for yourselves as a family business.

Creating an Organizational Structure and establishing internal controls is our third area of support and critical to the effective and efficient operations of any business. We map each family business member’s purview based on one-on-one interviews to understand each member’s involvement and their dynamics with other family members.

We ensure all voices are heard through our negotiation process and we draft and assess different organizational structures allowing every family business member to test and agree upon their areas and degrees of involvement.

Guiding Your Succession Plan and helping you prepare to pass your leadership role to another family member is our last area of our family business practice. We maintain strict confidence with you as we learn of your business and financial goals. We then create an implementation plan for your succession and the exit plan for you that will help safeguard the sustainability and success of the family business and help you achieve your goals.

We ensure the right family members are trained and prepared to take up their part of your work. We outline all the duties and help create a separation of those tasks. We then test your succession plan over a period of time before you step down, incrementally transferring leadership and responsibilities to your successor and giving you the confidence that the company is secure in its new leadership.

Let’s Discuss.

Our consultants are happy to lend ideas and approaches to support your decision making.  Contact us today for a quick strategy session.

Morant McLeod - Innovative Organization

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